Special Book Sale
We frequently host sales where you can buy our books from our site. We are running deals to launch the release of our new book, Forest Of Beauty. Orders shipped U.S.A. only.
Forest Of Beauty Paperback: Continue The Journey
Randolph Grant’s wound he sustained on the battlefield has caused a mysterious illness, perplexing Dr. Dumpling to find a cure. Randy prays for Mr. Grant morning, noon, and night for healing. The answered prayer comes from the most unlikely person, sending Randolph Grant on a quest for healing in search of someone named Jaboton. Who lives in the Dark Canton Mountains Castle Fortress, guarded by a dragon. Randolph Grant will encounter the Evil Princess Ansinathia, trapped with her black cloud at the castle of Ranulf in the Forest Of Beauty. Randy and Steven discover a secret chamber believed to be the Map Room of the Grant Towers in the lower level of the Treasure Room. Instead, comes upon a resident whom Wilford imprisoned centuries ago to destroy the Grant of Grace. Thaddeus Grant will travel to the Wary Mist Forest on a quest for peace with the guardians.
Randolph Grant Deal: Forest Of Beauty + Autographed Paperback $15.95 + Free Shipping
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